Two important initiatives were held in Italy by the security coordination of the Union of Italian Jewish communities (UCEI) in collaboration with SACC (Security and Crisis Centre) of the European Jewish Congress. In addition to SACC’s CEO, Ophir Revach, three experts on security and counter-terrorism took part in the events: Shlomo Shpiro, Uriya Shavit and Raymond Forado.
The first took place at the General Command of the Guardia di Finanza. After the institutional greetings of Commander General Giuseppe Zafarana and UCEI President Noemi di Segni, Shpiro dealt with the theme of “Tracking economic flows to counter-terrorism”, while Shavit spoke about radicalism and Islamic terrorism. More than 100 members of the corps were present in the hall and hundreds more connected via videoconference from more than 30 locations throughout Italy.
The second initiative was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, hosted by Diego Parente, Director General of Public Security and Director of the Prevention Police, to deal with radicalism, Islamic terrorism and antisemitism, with the intervention of Professor Shavit. A lecture on OSINT, open sources intelligence, was delivered by Professor Raymond Forado.
Both events were successful and received very positive feedback from both the Guardia di Finanza and the Police.