Mr Ophir Revach, CEO and Mrs Rozy Fis, Head of Research and Analysis of SACC by EJC were invited by CEPOL- European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training, to deliver a training session on ‘Fake News and Disinformation Impact on Online Hate Speech’.
The overall objective of the training activity was to enhance practitioners’ performance by sensitizing them so they are able to distinguish between open-source intelligence (OSINT) on the one hand and on the other hand fake news that can lead to extremism, including the role of social media in mobilising previously unpopular extremist movements.
SACC by EJC understands the importance, is dedicated to international law enforcement cooperation, and strongly supports CEPOL’s activities. SACC by EJC, among others, works tirelessly to deliver high-quality training materials and programmes to effectively equip community leaders, policymakers, European institutions, law enforcement and academics.
We are honoured to have contributed to CEPOL’s invaluable activities and proud of our effective and fruitful cooperation.